IAAD, Turin

Undergraduate – Postgraduate – Executive Courses
Communication – Design – Digital

IAAD (Istituto d’Arte Applicata e Design) is an Italian design school located in Turin. It was founded in 1978 as an institute focused on applied arts and design. Over the years, it has evolved into a prominent institution offering a range of programs in various design disciplines.

IAAD is based in Turin, a city in northern Italy known for its automotive industry, design culture, and historical significance. Turin has a vibrant creative scene, making it a suitable location for a design school.

IAAD offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in design-related fields. Programs include Transportation Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Communication, and Business Design.

IAAD is notably recognized for its focus on automotive design. The school has gained a reputation for providing specialized education in this field, attracting students interested in designing vehicles and transportation systems.

The institute collaborates with industries and businesses, especially in the automotive sector. These collaborations often lead to projects, internships, and opportunities for students to work on real-world design challenges.

IAAD is involved in various collaborative projects with industry partners, design firms, and institutions. These projects can enhance the educational experience by providing practical exposure to the design industry.

Programs at IAAD are often offered in both Italian and English. This language flexibility caters to an international student body and aligns with the global nature of design education.

It likely organizes networking events, conferences, and guest lectures featuring prominent figures in the design industry. These events allow students to connect with professionals and stay updated on industry trends.


  • Нет курсов на английском языке


  • Design for Mobility solution
  • Trasportation design & automotive

Курсы для руководителей

  • Нет курсов на английском языке

    Региональные стипендии

    • Частные университеты Италии готовы сделать высшее образование доступным для всех целеустремленных и талантливых студентов с помощью системы финансовой помощи, основанной на заслугах, потребностях, наличии частных средств и спонсоров.

    Life in Turin

    Turin, located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy, is a city rich in history, culture, and culinary delights. It offers a wide range of attractions and activities for visitors. Here are some things to see and do in Turin:

    1. The Mole Antonelliana: This iconic tower is the symbol of Turin. It houses the National Museum of Cinema, where you can explore the history of film and enjoy breathtaking views of the city from its observation deck.
    2. Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace): Visit this opulent palace that was once the residence of the House of Savoy, the former royal family of Italy. Explore the lavish rooms and gardens while learning about the city’s royal history.
    3. Egyptian Museum: Turin is home to one of the most important Egyptian museums outside of Egypt. It features an extensive collection of artifacts, including mummies, sculptures, and ancient papyrus.
    4. Piazza Castello: The central square of Turin, Piazza Castello, is surrounded by historic buildings and is a great place to start your exploration of the city.
    5. Turin Cathedral (Duomo di Torino): This cathedral is known for housing the Shroud of Turin, a religious relic believed by some to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.
    6. Parco del Valentino: Enjoy a leisurely stroll or a bike ride in this beautiful park along the Po River. It’s a lovely place for a picnic or to relax.
    7. Superga Basilica: Прокатитесь на живописном трамвае или поднимитесь пешком к базилике Суперга, откуда открывается панорамный вид на Турин и Альпы. Здесь также произошла королевская трагедия: в 1949 году здесь разбился самолет с футбольным клубом "Торино".
    8. Фонд Сандретто Ре Ребоденго: В этом музее современного искусства представлены работы итальянских и зарубежных художников, и его обязательно стоит посетить любителям искусства.
    9. Автомобильные музеи: Если вы интересуетесь автомобилями, загляните в Национальный автомобильный музей (Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile) и Исторический центр Fiat (Centro Storico Fiat), чтобы узнать об автомобильной истории Италии.
    10. Местная кухня: Турин известен своим шоколадом и джелато. Не забудьте попробовать джандуйотто, местный шоколадный деликатес. Пьемонт славится своими винами, особенно Бароло и Барбареско. Турин славится своей кофейной культурой. Не упустите возможность выпить кофе в одном из исторических кафе, таких как Caffè Al Bicerin или Caffè Mulassano.

    Советы для студентов: Исследуйте один из крупнейших рынков под открытым небом в Европе, где можно найти свежие продукты, местные деликатесы, одежду и многое другое. В зависимости от времени вашего визита, у вас может появиться возможность увидеть Туринскую плащаницу во время одной из редких публичных выставок.


    Consulting for IAAD

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